The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) is looking for members of the professions to apply for a number of roles that support the delivery of some of its core educational functions including continuing professional development (CPD) policy, the Veterinary Graduate Development Programme (VetGDP) and the Statutory Examination for Membership.
Members are sought to join a new engagement group which will seek to raise awareness of the importance of CPD for veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses, as well as the VetGDP for newly-qualified vets.
The CPD and VetGDP Engagement Group has been set up to drive the professions’ engagement with CPD and VetGDP, including the use of the online 1CPD recording platform and the VetGDP e-portfolio and reviewing, supporting members in how to reflect on their CPD as a way of consolidating learning, and considering plans for how the benefits of CPD and the VetGDP can be communicated to the professions.
The group will also oversee and update CPD and VetGDP guidance documents where necessary, as well as overseeing updates to the VetGDP Adviser and VetGDP Peer Reviewer training and guidance.
In order to ensure that a wide range of views and experiences feed into the engagement group, the RCVS is seeking three members to join it: a veterinary surgeon and veterinary nurse that are interested in CPD, lifelong learning and supporting newly-qualified members of the professions, and a recent veterinary graduate who is either currently enrolled on the VetGDP, or has recently completed the programme.
Applicants who are interested will have until Friday 30 August to apply to become members of the CPD and VetGDP Engagement Group and are invited to send a concise email to the address here explaining their experience and how they feel that can contribute to work of the committee.
CertAVP Subcommittee
Two positions are also currently open on the Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (CertAVP) Subcommittee which is responsible for coordination and oversight of the CertAVP’s accreditation, assessment, quality assurance, and delivery, as well as its overall modular framework.
The subcommittee is chaired by RCVS Council member Dr Abbie Calow MRCVS and its membership comprises a mix of practitioners and academics, including representation of those institutions who deliver CertAVP modules and synoptic examinations.
The RCVS is looking for two Advanced Practitioners working in practice who have completed a designated CertAVP qualification to join the subcommittee to help actively advance the standards and policies of the RCVS CertAVP.
Applicants who are interested also have until Friday 30 August to apply to become members. Applicants are invited to send an email to the address here with a summary of their experience and what skills and knowledge you feel that you can bring to this committee.
Statutory Membership Examiners
Finally, the College is also looking to recruit examiners for the Statutory Membership Examination, from 2025 onwards. This examination must be passed by overseas veterinarians holding qualifications that are not recognised by the RCVS in order for them to register and practice in the UK.
Examiners need to have been Members of the RCVS for a minimum of three years and be familiar with the day one competences for new registrants and the standards expected of final year students and new graduates. Experience as an assessor or examiner is preferred, although not essential as training will be provided. The College is looking for examiners with knowledge across a range of species domains including equine, veterinary public health, farm and small animal.
If you need any further information you can contact Jenny Soreskog-Turp, RCVS Postgraduate Lead.