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The whys and hows of low flow: an introduction to safe low-flow anaesthesia

Care must be taken to ensure patient well-being is not jeopardised when seeking potential environmental benefits using low-flow anaesthesia. But how do we achieve this?

Veterinary anaesthesia has changed in many ways over the last 30 years. In the past, the patient’s safety was measured by survival; keeping the subject asleep and immobile was the priority. However, the physiological well-being of the patient, particularly pain management and temperature regulation, has rightly gained prominence. More recently, the safety and welfare of the veterinary team, the environmental impact and sustainability have all received greater emphasis in the world of veterinary anaesthesia.

Decision making in veterinary anaesthesia

When making decisions about any complex clinical technique, it is important that you do not consider issues solely from one perspective, as this could be misleading and result in suboptimal outcomes.

A balanced approach to anaesthesia decision making has been discussed elsewhere (Wheeler, 2022), but ultimately it boils down to giving equal consideration to multiple relevant criteria. These are:

  • Patient well-being
  • Operational efficiency
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Cost-effectiveness
FIGURE (1) Logarithmic oxygen flow meter giving precision and visualisation at low gas flows

What guidance is available?

The Royal College of Anaesthetists provides a succinct summary for patients on the environmental impact of all aspects of their anaesthetic journey. Whereas it will be challenging to make any meaningful reduction in some of the aspects, the Royal College of Anaesthetists highlights changes in techniques that could be immediately impactful without compromising patient care or safety.

The Association of Anaesthetists has also published a “Guide to green anaesthesia” with the following suggestions for human anaesthesia:

  • Avoid nitrous oxide whenever possible
  • Avoid desflurane
  • Use low-flow anaesthesia
  • Consider swapping volatile-agent-based anaesthesia for a total intravenous anaesthesia technique
  • Consider the use of central neuraxial block or regional anaesthesia

Further, a special environmental issue edition of Anaesthesia News in 2020 highlighted many issues relevant to veterinary anaesthesia, including gaseous emissions.

Veterinary low-flow anaesthesia

Low-flow anaesthesia and the ensuing benefits are established concepts (Wagner and Bednarski, 1992); however, care must be taken not to jeopardise patient well-being when seeking potential environmental benefits.

Low-flow anaesthesia and the ensuing benefits are established concepts; however, care must be taken not to jeopardise patient well-being when seeking potential environmental benefits

Traditional veterinary anaesthetic techniques in our smallest patients have used relatively high fresh gas flow rates well above the metabolic requirements of patients. This is highly wasteful of oxygen and inhalational anaesthetic agents, which, in turn, is unnecessarily costly, can expose the veterinary team and could be environmentally damaging. Low-flow anaesthesia, therefore, can and should be considered.

Advantages of low-flow anaesthesia

Some of the advantages of low-flow anaesthesia are:

  • A reduction in oxygen flow and inhalant agent consumption to less than 10 percent of the high-flow non-rebreathing systems typically used in patients under 10kg
  • Delivery of warm gas to the patient rather than the cold, dry gases delivered by high-flow systems. This can help reduce anaesthetic hypothermia, particularly during clip and prep phases and in tiny patients
  • A reduction in the outflow of inhalation agents from the pop-off valve, enhancing team safety and reducing environmental emissions
  • A reduction in the use of oxygen concentrators, which are inefficient and carry high monetary and environmental costs
  • Significant cost savings of consumables

Combatting the challenges of low-flow anaesthesia

Though there are challenges when using low-flow anaesthesia in veterinary practice, as discussed below, some of the challenges of low-flow anaesthesia can be addressed using innovative modern veterinary equipment rather than re-purposed human equipment.

For example, low-flow techniques cannot be used with non-rebreathing systems which require high gas flows to eliminate expired CO2, such as Bain circuits or the Ayres T-piece. Also, low-flow should not be used when nitrous oxide is being administered unless there is a fail-safe system for oxygen supply and in-circuit oxygen concentration monitoring.

Some of the challenges of low-flow anaesthesia can be addressed using innovative modern veterinary equipment rather than re-purposed human equipment

Many veterinary and human medical vaporisers are designed to operate at gas flows between 500ml/min and 5l/min, so are imprecise and not reliable operating at 200ml/min, a typical oxygen low-flow rate for animals under 7kg. Some veterinary systems claim to be “low flow” but have drawbacks such as high resistance, inability to prevent rebreathing of CO2 at oxygen flows under 100ml/kg/min and a very slow (up to 20 minutes) rate of change of inspired anaesthetic concentration at the start of anaesthesia or if the vaporiser setting is changed (Dunlop et al., 2012a; Dunlop et al., 2012b).

What equipment should be used?

Key equipment requirements (Table 1) for low-flow anaesthesia are:

  • A veterinary vaporiser capable of precise and reliable anaesthetic delivery at fresh gas flows down to 200ml/min. The vaporiser should be calibrated at low flows and tested down to 200ml/min (Dunlop and Dunlop, 2023)
  • A low-volume low-resistance circle absorber with rapid response to changes in vaporiser settings (eg five breaths) at 200ml/min fresh gas flow. This can be used on all patients down to 2kg, permitting fresh gas flows 10 times lower than in currently used non-rebreathing systems. Generally, low-flow systems use 10 to 30ml/kg/min, with a minimum of 200ml/min (Brown, 2015)
  • A circle absorber with one-way inspiratory/expiratory valves that shut reliably with minimum force such as would be expected from a 2kg animal with a 20ml tidal volume breathing from low-volume tubing
  • A precise oxygen flow meter with an expanded scale that can easily be visualised at fresh gas flow rates down to 200ml/minute (Figure 1)
  • A safety APL (waste gas “pop-off” valve) that relieves pressure at 25 to 30cmH20 if in the closed position
AcepromazineACP InjectionDarvall Stinger Ultra Veterinary Anaesthesia Machine
MethadoneComfortan, 10mg/ml
PropofolPropoFlow Plus 10mg/mlDarvall DVM Iso Vaporiser
IsofluraneIsoflurane-Vet 100%
TABLE (1) Suggested anaesthetic drugs and equipment for safe low-flow anaesthesia in veterinary practice

There are several veterinary anaesthesia systems available for low-flow anaesthesia, but some are not suitable for all patients because of high resistance, slow response to vaporiser changes and the high gas flows required to prevent rebreathing of CO2 in patients below 10kg (Dunlop et al., 2012a; Dunlop et al., 2012b). Therefore, veterinary teams should be cautious in purchasing “low flow” systems, only to find that they do not function effectively and safely in small patients at flows down to 200ml/min (Alibhai et al., 1999; Artu and Katz, 1987).

It is worth remembering that around 85 percent of veterinary anaesthetics are administered to patients from 15kg down to 0.3kg body weight

It is worth remembering that around 85 percent of veterinary anaesthetics are administered to patients from 15kg down to 0.3kg body weight. Hence, suitable equipment is required for these very small animals that make up the vast majority of our patients.

A case for low flow

FIGURE (2) A Dachshund with thoracolumbar disc herniation

A 7.5kg Dachshund (Figure 2) presented for anaesthesia for thoracolumbar spinal decompressive surgery.

A Darvall Stinger Ultra anaesthetic machine was set up with a 0.35l CO2 absorber canister, a 0.5l breathing bag and 12mm ID heated smooth wall tubing with 180ml volume in each limb of the circuit. The system was pressure tested prior to use. The dog was then premedicated with acepromazine 0.03mg/kg and methadone 0.3mg/kg SC 20 minutes before anaesthetic induction.

Anaesthesia was induced with propofol, and the patient was intubated and connected to the breathing system and the cuff inflated. The APL “pop-off” valve was set fully open.

FIGURE (3) Dog in surgery using low-flow anaesthesia equipment

Anaesthesia was maintained with isoflurane delivered via a DVM Iso vaporiser. Initially, the vaporiser was set to 2.5 percent with an oxygen flow of 60ml/kg/min to flush the room air out of the Stingray breathing system (Figure 3). After five minutes, the oxygen flow was lowered to 30ml/kg/min (225ml/min) and the vaporiser set to 2 percent, with the patient’s vital signs checked and monitored. No further adjustment was needed.

Surgery duration was 80 minutes, and the total anaesthesia time was 115 minutes. Recovery was uneventful.


Alibhai, H. I. K., Lilja, A. S. and Clarke, K. W.


Evaluation of the Humphrey ADE circuit during spontaneous ventilation in dogs [Abstract]. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 26, 38-39

Artu, A. A. and Katz, R. A.


Evaluation of the Humphrey ADE breathing system. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia, 34, 484-488

Brown, V.


The rate of rise of inspired anaesthetic concentration in a rebreathing system suitable for small dogs and cats. BSc Vet Hons Thesis. Faculty of Veterinary Science: University of Sydney, Camden

Dunlop, C. I. and Dunlop, J. S.


Comparative performance of veterinary low-flow Darvall DVM, Penlon and Tec-5 Sevoflurane Vaporisers. In: Proceedings of the 14th World Congress of Veterinary Anaesthesiology, Sydney, pp.25-30

Dunlop, C. I., Dunlop, J. S., Curtis. R. A., et al.


Comparison of the dynamic response to changing anaesthetic concentration in circle breathing systems used on animals from 3 to 20kg [Abstract]. World College of Veterinary Anaesthesiology, Cape Town

Dunlop, J. S., Dunlop, C. I., Hartigan, P., et al.


Comparative flow resistance of circle breathing systems used for anaesthesia of small animals [Abstract]. World College of Veterinary Anaesthesiology, Cape Town

Wagner, A. E. and Bednarski, R. M.


Use of low-flow and closed-system anesthesia. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 200, 1005-1010

Wheeler, S.


Decision making in veterinary anaesthesia. The Veterinary Edge, 21, 38-39

Simon Wheeler

Simon Wheeler, BVSc, PhD, DECVN, MBA, FRCVS, graduated from the University of Bristol and is a European specialist in veterinary neurology. He was a house surgeon at the University of Glasgow before he went on to complete a PhD in neurology at the University of London. Subsequently, he held faculty positions at North Carolina State University and The Royal Veterinary College.

He has been made a fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons for meritorious contributions to learning in neurology. He was also a founder member and subsequent president of the European College of Veterinary Neurology. He has authored over 100 papers and chapters as well as several books.

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Colin Dunlop

Colin Dunlop, BVSc, Dip ACVAA, graduated from the University of Sydney and is a specialist in veterinary anaesthesia. His career path includes house surgeon (University of Glasgow), resident in anaesthesia/critical patient care (University of California, Davis), assistant professor of clinical sciences and associate professor and chief of Colorado State University’s anaesthesia section. He is a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Anaesthesiologists and has served on the board of directors (2014-17), as president elect 2018/19 and as president 2020/21.

His research interests include the prevention of anaesthesia morbidity and mortality. He consults in anaesthesia and critical care for small and large animal practice and biomedical research and provides education programmes for veterinarians and veterinary nurses worldwide.

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