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BEVME is changing…

explains the changes taking place with BEVME in order to provide clear and practical solutions to the challenges being faced by veterinary surgeons in general practice

THE Best Evidence Medical
Education Group (BEVME) was
formed in 2010, its purpose being
to support in-practice research
regarding veterinary education
and to foster the development of a
Community of Practice (CoP).

CoPs bring together individuals
with shared interests and provide the
opportunity for collaboration and
collective action.

The research component of the
project came to an end in December
2012 and some of the recent findings
were published in the January edition
of Veterinary
some areas
that should
be of
concern to us

is now changing. The message from
GPs has been loud and clear: they
need clear practical solutions to the
challenges being faced rather than
discussion and debate of the
problems as they are. With immediate
effect, the aim is to identify and
support the provision of these
practical solutions in an evidence-
based way.

In this article we are pleased to
announce a unique opportunity to
become a part of and benefit from
this process plus information about
the two first areas that we will be
focusing on.

It’s good to talk

The solutions that we are developing
here have grown out of more than a
decade of research by eight very
experienced GP vets and they can
now be made available to the wider

Based on a broad range of
knowledge (Table 1), a
comprehensive “toolbox” of
methodologies has been brought together in such a way as to be
available and accessible to practising
GP vets.

For a limited period you can take
advantage of a free consultation; all
you really need to do is decide what
are the three things that you would
most like to be different and e-mail to
arrange an appointment or get more

A great start!

The first few months in practice can
be traumatic both for the graduate and for the supporting practice. The
best solutions are often
counterintuitive and finding the time
to implement the support can be

During this year we will be
developing two new support
packages: one for the new graduates
and the other for the supporting
practices. Both will build confidence
and capability and offer the
opportunity to smooth the transition
into practice. They will be both cost
effective and practical.

If you are a practice that may
employ a new graduate in 2013 please
go to
Employers or if you are a final-year
student please go to
Grads to take our short survey.
Alternatively, just leave your contact
details and we will provide you with
details of the schemes.

Don’t forget the boss!

Partners, principals and JVPs carry
the same burdens regarding their
clinical work as other members of
staff but it is often overlooked that
they also have a huge additional set
of responsibilities associated with the
running and proper functioning of
the practice.

Whilst it can be hugely fulfilling,
it can also be incredibly tiring and
isolating when all the problems of
the practice find their
way to your door. The
vast majority of GP vets
will cite a lack of time as
the most difficult
challenge they face and
expecting somebody to perform effectively
with multiple
responsibilities is
often unrealistic.

A three-step
programme is now
available to offer
those in positions of
responsibility the
additional support
and resources that
make the necessary
practical and the
desirable possible.
The service is
entirely confidential
and completely flexible whether it is
just one or all of the steps that are

For more details, e-mail or
telephone 01353 723885.

  • Time to think

Our brains simply do not work at their best when we are
tired, stressed or under
pressure; working with
someone who can
provide a safe and
effective environment
can provide both the
time and space to
support better decision

As Stephen Covey
said in the book Seven habits of highly
effective people
, it gives you the chance
to deal with the important but not
urgent issues that otherwise tend to
be ignored.

Creating time to think may appear
counterintuitive because your
instincts are to work harder or faster,
whereas creating time to think
provides the opportunity to work
smarter rather than just harder.

  • Finding the way

Creating a safe and effective space
within which to think and work is the
prerequisite to the next step, “finding
the way”.

Only when you can step back and
look at the whole situation can you
make the best choices about which
path to follow but this is incredibly
difficult to do if you are running at
full speed just trying to keep up with
immediate demands.

In this stage you will work with
someone who helps you identify
opportunities and solutions whilst at the same time providing
challenge to build your
confidence in the
decisions you make.

  • Making it happen

Making it happen is
often the most difficult part of the whole process and yet
often receives the least attention.
Humans do not like change and in
the task-rich, time-scarce
environment that is veterinary
practice it is often easier for staff to
resist change than make the time and
expend the effort to participate in the process.

This is often the time that the boss can feel most
isolated and beleaguered.
Here you will work with
someone who will help you
set realistic expectations and
then stick to them; when
everyone around you may
seem to be blocking your
progress, you have someone who offers you non-judgemental
support and yet, at the same time,
holds you to account, helping you to
get to where you want to be.

These are just the first two of a
number of innovative approaches
that we have planned for 2013 and
we would really like you to get
involved. Let us have your
suggestions for areas worthy of
attention, share with us your
problems and your aspirations. Tell
us how we can help you and you can
help us.

To join the BEVME Community
of Practice, go to
or e-mail

1. Communities of Practice – Theory
2. Etienne Wenger – Homepage

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