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Zoetis UK introduces AI equine faecal egg count analysis to Vetscan Imagyst platform

AI Equine FEC analysis is Zoetis UK’s fifth AI addition to the platform, marking a further broadening of Zoetis UK’s diagnostic expertise

Zoetis UK has expanded its multi-purpose diagnostics platform, Vetscan Imagyst, to include AI Equine faecal egg count (FEC) Analysis. This latest addition is the fifth AI capability to be seamlessly integrated into the company’s cloud-based system, taking the first-of-its-kind technology beyond its existing artificial intelligence (AI) faecal analysis for canine and feline patients.

“Fast equine FEC results are crucial for the appropriate and timely treatment of gastrointestinal parasites and to detect the increasingly concerning issue of dewormer resistance in horses,” said Dr Wendy Talbot BVSc DipECEIM MRCVS, Equine National Veterinary manager, Zoetis UK Ltd. “This technology is proven to be as accurate at identifying Strongyle spp. and Parascaris spp. as a board-certified parasitologist, delivering fast, reliable and shareable results within 10 minutes (internal study).”

Study results have demonstrated that the AI capability within the Vetscan Imagyst is up to 99 percent in agreement with board-certified parasitologist results (internal study). This allows for rapid identification of high shedders versus low shedders to enable strategic targeted deworming protocols to be implemented, complementing Zoetis’ equine parasitology portfolio, consisting of Equest (moxidectin) and Equest Pramox (moxidectin/praziquantel).

microscope in lab

Vetscan Imagyst equine diagnostics

Equine Digital Cytology Image Transfer is also available through the Vetscan Imagyst platform, including a digital review of sample images by board-certified clinical pathologists within the Zoetis network. Cytopathology results are received in less than two hours, 24 hours a day, seven days a week (internal data, 2022), compared to the traditional 24– to 48–hour wait with off-site lab results.

“It can sometimes feel like a balancing act between managing the demands of a busy clinical environment, waiting for diagnostic results and ensuring optimal treatment plans,” said Richard Goldstein, DVM, DACVIM, DECVIM-CA, Vice President, Global Diagnostics Medical Affairs at Zoetis. “The capabilities that come with the Vetscan® Imagyst™ and the wider Virtual Laboratory by Zoetis can help to ease some of that pressure by expediting the timeline from clinical presentation to diagnosis, delivering reliable results, and leading to improved patient outcomes.”

About Vetscan Imagyst

Vetscan Imagyst is a first-of-its-kind technology offering multiple applications in a single diagnostics platform. Presently, in the UK, the platform encompasses AI-driven blood smear analysis, dermatology, and urine sediment analysis (launched February 2024), supported with access to specialist clinical consultants. Digital cytology operates alongside its AI applications, benefitting from a network of board-certified remote pathologists. AI developments and capabilities are constantly evolving, with new capabilities expected over the next 18 months.

About the Virtual Laboratory by Zoetis

The Virtual Laboratory is an integrated suite of products and services to deliver diagnostic insights by combining state-of-the-art technology, global specialist support and expertise to elevate patient care and transform turnaround times from days to hours. It combines Zoetis’ pioneering devices, Vetscan Imagyst powered by AI, Vetscan HM5 and Vetscan VS2, with the global online platform, ZoetisDx, providing access to expert support through AI, clinical pathologists and specialist clinical consultants. Zoetis’ board-certified team of global clinical consultants offers an extra layer of reassurance to clinicians who require further support 24 hours a day and five days a week.

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