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Urgent call for innovation and leadership in veterinary sector following EFRACOM hearing

The real issue at hand is not a shortage of veterinarians but a profound lack of vision and leadership within the sector

The hearing by the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee (EFRACOM) in Parliament revealed critical shortcomings in the current approach to supplying Official Veterinarians (OVs) for official controls, spotlighting a significant crisis of leadership and vision within the veterinary profession. The discussions, marred by a tone of desperation, showcased a prevailing attitude of complaint rather than constructive solution-seeking concerning the alleged scarcity of veterinarians.

“It has become evident that the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS)’s leniency towards the language proficiency requirements for vets working in areas, such as abattoirs, has indirectly diminished the value and perception of veterinary work in these essential sectors,” said Dr Jason Aldiss, spokesperson for the Association of Independent Meat Suppliers (AIMS).

“This bums-on-seats policy has not only compromised the standards within the profession but has also exacerbated the challenge of recruiting passionate and competent professionals to the field,” he continued.

“Moreover, the EFRACOM session shed light on outdated practices upheld by commercial veterinary entities, particularly in areas like export certification, which not only inflate operational costs but also encroach upon the efficiency of the veterinary workforce. These archaic methods stand in stark contrast to the potential efficiencies that could be unlocked through integrating modern technologies–advancements that are regrettably overlooked in favour of maintaining high-profit margins.”

The hearing further dispelled the myth that an increased demand for veterinary services, such as import controls and meat inspections, necessitates a proportional expansion of the vet workforce. Contrary to this belief, the evidence presented highlighted the availability and capability of AI and other technological innovations to perform these tasks more effectively and efficiently, thereby challenging the current model’s reliance on an inflated number of veterinarians for tasks that could be streamlined or automated.

“It is clear that the real issue at hand is not a shortage of veterinarians but a profound lack of vision and leadership within the sector. There is an urgent need for a paradigm shift towards a vet-led team model, where veterinarians oversee teams of non-vets trained to handle routine tasks, thus freeing up qualified professionals to focus on areas where their expertise is most needed,” said Aldiss.

“The time is ripe for the veterinary profession to embrace change, prioritizing innovation, leadership, and technology over outdated practices and profit-driven models. By doing so, we can not only enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of veterinary services but also restore the appeal of veterinary medicine as a career choice for the next generation of professionals.”

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