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EPP-Congress 2024: How to engage the consumer?

Registrations are now open for the annual meeting of the European Pig Producers from 29 to 31 May 2024 in Nantes (France)

Two pigs on farmers shoulders

“How to engage the consumer?” – This is the general theme of next year’s meeting of European Pig Producers. More than 250 pig farmers and representatives from the upstream and downstream sectors are expected to attend the EPP Congress, which will take place from 29 to 31 May 2024 in Nantes, France, to discuss the current challenges facing the industry.

The symposium, which will take place on 29 May, will focus on current strategies in consumer communication and climate-neutral pork production.

Excursions and a comprehensive networking program round off the congress programme.

Registrations for the leading international industry event are possible at the early bird rate until 4 February 2024 at their website.

The communication needs of the pig farming sector are great in view of changing consumer expectations and consumption habits.

In a world where consumers increasingly focus on transparency, sustainability and quality, it is crucial to redefine communication between producers and consumers.

How can current consumer expectations regarding origin, animal welfare, environmental impact and nutrition be effectively communicated? How can partners along the value chain be integrated into communication processes? The international EPP Congress offers numerous opportunities for cross-border expert dialogue.

Topics such as animal welfare and animal health are now part of the daily routine for pig producers in Northern and Western Europe.

It is interesting to see how the farms deal with the different legal requirements in the respective countries and the increasing demands regarding sustainability.

A central topic of the symposium, which opens the EPP Congress 2024 on 29 May 2024, is therefore climate-neutral pork production, alongside current strategies in consumer communication.

Other topics that will be covered in presentations and discussion panels include the role of meat in human nutrition and cooperation between producers and retailers.

Excursions to companies and organisations in Brittany complete the programme of the EPP Congress 2024.

There will also be numerous opportunities for international networking with colleagues and experts.

Congress programme and registration at their website.

Participants who register by 4 February 2024 will benefit from attractive early bird conditions.

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