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Can we promote positive equine behaviour and well-being through management?

The next World Horse Welfare webinar will cover whether the way horses are managed can have huge implications on their physical and psychological health

Wednesday 15 February will see World Horse Welfare welcome back equine behaviourists Justine Harrison and Rosa Verwijs to discuss whether the way we manage our horses can have huge implications on their physical and psychological health.

The webinar will be chaired by Sarah Coombs.

Justine will present the horse’s basic behavioural needs and explain why behaviour problems may appear if their management is restricted.

She will also look at stress, how it affects the horse, and how we can manage their environment to reduce stress and avoid behaviour problems occurring. 

Justine will then be joined by Rosa to answer questions from the live audience about horse behaviour and how management practices can impact their wellbeing and mental health.

By registering for the webinars through Zoom, you will be able to take part in the various polls, ask questions during the Q&A and enjoy an interactive experience.

If you are keen to be part of the conversation for this webinar on Wednesday 15 February, then please register online.

The webinars are free to attend and if you are unable to attend via Zoom they can be viewed as a Facebook Live session.

If you have missed any of the previous webinars, they are all available to watch on the World Horse Welfare YouTube channel.

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