Study identifies age and breed as biggest risk factors for periodontal disease in UK cats - Veterinary Practice
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Study identifies age and breed as biggest risk factors for periodontal disease in UK cats

New research from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) has shed light on the frequency, risk factors and linked health problems associated with periodontal disease in pet cats in the UK

Periodontal disease is the most commonly diagnosed disease in UK cats.

The study from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) found 15.2 percent of cats are diagnosed annually (estimated 1.8 million cats affected every year in the UK), with many more likely going undiagnosed.

These findings will help veterinary practitioners and owners better understand and predict its occurrence and identify opportunities to improve cats’ dental health

Although periodontitis can be painful, it can be difficult to identify because cats have developed evolutionary survival habits of masking chronic pain from potential predators.

Until now, research on dental problems in companion animals has mostly been in dogs, so there has been limited understanding of periodontal disease in cats.

The study, led by the RVC’s VetCompass programme, is the largest study ever carried out into dental disease in cats using veterinary clinical records.

The study investigated a sample of 18,249 cats randomly selected from a study population of 1,255,130 cats in the UK in 2019.

Formally recorded in 15.2 percent of cats, periodontal disease was the most common disorder in the cats in the study.

The cat breeds with the highest annual levels of this diagnosis were Siamese (18.7 percent), Maine Coon (16.7 percent), British Short Hair (15.5 percent) and crossbreeds (15.4 percent).

The average bodyweight of cats with periodontal disease (5.7kg) was higher than for cats without periodontal disease (5.5kg).

The risk of periodontal disease rose steeply as cats got older, with cats aged 9 to 12 years being 6.7 times more likely to have periodontal disease compared with cats aged under three years. This highlights the importance for owners taking extra dental care of their cats as they age.

Cats with the disease were much more likely to have a range of other health conditions compared to cats without it (x1.8 risk).

Of the 40 other most diagnosed disorders in cats in the study, cats with periodontal disease were more likely to have 21 (52.5 percent) of these compared to those without.

These conditions included cardiac dysrhythmia (x2.3 risk), ear discharge (x2.3 risk) and hairball/furball (x2.3 risk).

These findings suggest that periodontal disease should be acknowledged as a leading health and welfare issue in cats.

The results indicate that age is a strong predictor of the disease risk in cats, indicating a need for greater dental care in cats as they age.

This information will help owners provide targeted care for their cats and veterinary teams focus on preventative healthcare methods.

The study also shows the value of big data resources such as VetCompass to increase our overall understanding of cat health at a population level.

Alix Freeman, clinician in dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery at Eastcott Referrals, said: “As a veterinary dentist, I see periodontal disease and its effects in cats on a daily basis. I see the huge welfare impact this infectious disease has on our patients.

“It is wonderful that this research will help draw attention to periodontal disease and the associated health concerns.”

“Prevention is the key to management of periodontal disease. In the same way that humans brush their teeth twice daily, periodontitis can largely be prevented in cats if we institute toothbrushing on a daily basis from a young age.”

This study was supported by an award from the Kennel Club Charitable Trust and Agria Pet Insurance.

The full paper, “Periodontal disease in cats under primary veterinary care in the UK: frequency and risk factors“, is available online.

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