GP Vet Futures: IVC Evidensia launches new award programme to champion general practitioners - Veterinary Practice
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GP Vet Futures: IVC Evidensia launches new award programme to champion general practitioners

IVC Evidensia has launched a new GP Vet Futures programme, intended to increase the status of general practitioners in the veterinary profession and provide a clear individualised pathway to career progression

IVC Evidensia has today launched its pioneering GP Vet Futures Award Programme.

In what they have described as a European first, IVC Evidensia vets will be recognised for the skills they already have, while being supported to achieve new skills in the general practitioner (GP) framework.

The GP Vet Futures programme is intended to increase the status of general practitioners in the profession, ensuring their hard work and range of skills are showcased.

It also aims to boost confidence and ability and provide a clear individualised pathway to career progression.

“The GP vet underpins the profession – the plethora of skills a GP vet has is unparalleled when you look at other professions,” said Edward Davies, BVSc, MRCVS, IVC Evidensia’s new Aspirational GP Lead.

“This programme is about recognising the core and expansive knowledge sets we as GP vets possess, not just at an individual level, but an organisational and professional level.”

An initial two cohorts of up to 20 to 30 vets from across the business will take part over the next 12 months, and it is expected to take two years for every cohort to complete. 

The GP Vet Futures programme is portfolio-based and peer assessed, with six core and three elective categories. 

The core section includes elements seen as fundamental to being a successful GP vet, complimented by the individual vet’s selection of three elective modules which best fit their clinical interests.

IVC Evidensia also stated that the GP Vet Futures Award is also intended to be externally accredited. 

“We want all GP vets to value their ability to perform their jobs, appreciate their abilities and have an appetite to confidently take cases forward, so they can enjoy the fulfilling career of being a GP vet to the max,” concluded Edward.

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