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Exploration of mental health and well-being among veterinary nurses

This Vet Nursing Awareness Month (VNAM), the Royal Veterinary College has launched an anonymous survey as part of efforts to understand UK veterinary nurse mental health and well-being

As part of their “Nursing Matters” project, Royal Veterinary College (RVC) researchers are calling for both registered veterinary nurses (RVNs) and student veterinary nurses (SVNs) to participate in a 20 to 25 minute survey to gain in-depth insights into how and why they may experience poor mental health.

While there is extensive research into the mental health and well-being of veterinary surgeons and veterinary students, far less research has been conducted on this topic with VNs.

Despite similarities with veterinary surgeons in training and workplaces, differences in the history, context, education paths and responsibilities between the professions necessitate a separate study of factors that may negatively impact VNs.

Additionally, since the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) recognised veterinary nursing as a profession in 2015, there has been an increased need to understand mental health challenges facing this population due to the higher responsibility and accountability involved.

“Nursing Matters” is a two-year mixed-methods project, led by the RVC’s Dr Tierney Kinnison, lecturer in veterinary education, and Dr Jackie Cardwell, associate professor in epidemiology.

The project will provide important benchmark estimates of UK RVN and SVN mental health and well-being, as well as exploring the factors that may lead to poor mental health.

The study aims to identify issues relating to the workplace or educational institutions that can be changed to support better VN well-being and to inform the development of supportive and effective clinical teams.

The project includes an anonymous questionnaire, launched 2 May, that seeks to identify the state of the profession’s mental health, including opinions on potentially challenging topics such as euthanasia.

All RVNs and SVNs in the UK are encouraged to complete it. It should take approximately 20–25 minutes, given the importance of the topic and the need to examine it in sufficient depth and breadth.

If you are an RVN or SVN who wishes to share your views or experiences as part of the project, the questionnaire can be accessed here.

The project is funded by IDEXX, a grant obtained with help from the Animal Care Trust, the RVC’s registered charity.

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