Horiba UK is hosting a CPD webinar focusing on how a One Health multidisciplinary approach can enable beneficial changes in veterinary diagnostics and therapeutics usage.
At the free-to-attend webinar, titled “One Health – Actions in diagnostics and therapeutics”, on Thursday 7 September 7.30pm to 9pm, veterinary teams can learn from three invited expert speakers how they can make small practical changes to have positive impacts in their settings.
One Health integration aims to sustainably balance and optimise the health of people, animals and ecosystems.
The three expert speakers each offer extensive experience and insight in their respective fields of human health, veterinary care and agriculture, contributing to the One Health approach and supporting improved veterinary diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
This aims to enable better informed prescribing decisions and more responsible use of therapeutics.
Companion and farm animal use of antibiotics, antifungals and parasiticides has wide-ranging implications for biodiversity and the balance and maintenance of ecosystems.
The expert speakers have all been involved in One Health strategy setting and implementation at national and local level and will share their knowledge and experiences in supporting One Health aims related to animal healthcare.
The webinar will also signpost to a range of associated resources available to aid veterinary teams in decision making, setting protocols and communicating them to all stakeholders.
At Horiba’s CPD webinar, chair of the UK One Health Coordination Group (UKOHCG) and multi-disciplined human and animal health nurse, Helen Ballantyne, will provide a “human” view of One Health and the strategies in the NHS. She will highlight areas of excellent practice she has experienced, and from a One Health angle where the veterinary profession could learn from the NHS, and vice versa.
Fergus Allerton, small animal vet and internal medicine specialist, and lead on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) at Linnaeus will include optimal use of antimicrobials for infection control in his presentation. In collaboration with the NHS, he launched Veterinary Antibiotic Amnesty activity which saw a 19% reduction of antimicrobial use across the Linnaeus veterinary group. Other activities he will discuss include the PROTECT ME guidelines on the responsible use of antibacterials, such as for surgical antibiotic prophylaxis.
Simon Doherty is past-president of the British Veterinary Association (BVA) and one of two BVA representatives at the Federation of Veterinarians in Europe. He will focus on the history of One Health and One Agriculture; highlighting how improved communication and collaboration at the intersection of people, animals and the environment can drive productivity and sustainability in food production – locally, nationally, and internationally. He will also share some of Vet Sustain’s farm animal resources and how the principles can be applied.
“One Health recognises that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment are closely linked and interdependent. Horiba is delighted to be working with three such renowned speakers who are actively applying its principles in their own work,” said Cleve Wright, director, Horiba UK.
“Thanks to them, our evening CPD event will illustrate the connections within human and animal healthcare and their links to sustainability. This will enable veterinary teams to gain a greater understanding of how their words and actions can have a beneficial impact in their own practice, starting right now.”
As a global multidisciplinary company, Horiba can contribute to many aspects of the One Health approach, enabling customers to undertake measurement and analyses in a broad variety of applications.
In addition to in vitro medical diagnostics, Horiba’s instruments and solutions support the analysis of air, water and compounds for automotive and industrial emissions testing, as well as environmental monitoring. All of which can have health implications for humans, animals and the environment.
For free registration for Horiba’s CPD veterinary webinar discussing, “One Health – Actions in diagnostics and therapeutics”, please visit their website.