The Society of Practicing Veterinary Surgeons (SPVS) have teamed up with Hazlewoods accountants to offer members and non members an hour, evening, CPD via an online interactive webinar, which will give delegates actionable takeaway strategies to ensure they and their practices are prepared for the economic uncertainty ahead.
Strategies to prepare for inflation and recession will be an online interactive webinar with Mark Harwood from Hazlewoods on Tuesday 1 November 7:30pm.
This interactive session will explore:
– What can we learn from history both in and outside of the veterinary sector
– What is different now
– Explore stepping stones to navigate the months ahead
The past few months have seen the highest inflation in the economy for decades and rising concerns about a cost of living crisis. What is different to many previous turbulent economic times is that unemployment has remained low.
Against this economic backdrop, we have seen many veterinary practices perform strongly since 2020, despite the challenges that many have faced with recruitment.
The veterinary sector has arguably seen more change in the past 5 years than it has for a long time. What will the future hold, though?
For more information and to book visit the SPVS website.
For more information about SPVS and other member benefits visit the website.