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Countdown to BSAVA Congress 2022

IVC Evidensia will be among the sponsors and exhibitors at the brand-new format British Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress

Are you attending the British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress later this month? It’s only a few weeks away and IVC Evidensia is excited to be among the sponsors and exhibitors at the brand-new format congress.

The event moves to Manchester this year with a completely new look. The face-to-face element of congress is to be combined with the virtual platform that was used for 2021.

One-hundred plus hours of premium CPD will be simultaneously broadcast online with a virtual exhibition across the three days so delegates who cannot attend in person don’t have to miss out. The event looks set to be a smasher this year with CPD by 70 plus world class speakers, across 20 plus disciplines.

Penny Leeper, Lucy Emson, Danielle Gourley-Armstrong and Charlotte Hinkley, all medicine nurses at Pride Veterinary Centre, part of IVC Evidensia Referrals, will be doing practical demonstrations on naso-esephageal tube placement on the Thursday and Friday of congress.

The IVC Evidensia Referrals team and brilliant talent team will be available to chat to, either on the stand (D401) or via chat at the virtual event. Those attending the face-to-face event are invited to join IVC Evidensia at their 4pm Happy Hour event on the Thursday and Friday to mingle with peers, chat to the talent team about their brilliant careers and socialise with a glass of fizz or a beer.

Visit IVC Evidensia Referrals and Talent Team on stand D401.

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