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BSAVA creates new video library

The British Small Animal Veterinary Association has launched a new video section for their BSAVA Library, containing over 400 videos on clinical topics

The British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) has launched a brand-new video library within the BSAVA Library website. The video library contains over 400 videos on clinical topics which have been published as part of companion articles and manual chapters.

For the first time, video content in the BSAVA Library will be searchable, making it easier for users to find specific content that they are looking for. The videos cover a wide range of topics such as imaging, neurology, endoscopy, endosurgery and many more.

BSAVA members will automatically have access to over 80 videos relating to companion articles. If the user does not have access to a particular video, they will be able to use a BSAVA Library pass to gain access to the parent chapter and all the videos it contains. Alternatively, they can buy access to an individual chapter or a full manual.

Ian Mellor, head of publishing at the BSAVA said: “We are delighted that we can bring this new feature to the BSAVA Library, giving our audience easier access to great video content. This is part of a few enhancements to the library where we hope to give users a better experience.

“Users will also be able to see more easily how many library passes they have left, and they will now be able to see recommended related resources next to the content, meaning that they can easily find information under the same topic without having to search extensively.”

The video library can be accessed here. To find out more about BSAVA membership, visit the Membership page on their website.

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