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Veterinary nursing Diamond Jubilee year culminates with the release of interactive eBook

The RCVS has marked the end of the veterinary nursing Diamond Jubliee year with the launch of an interactive eBook, which covers the history, highlights and future of the profession

The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) has marked the end of the veterinary nursing 60th anniversary year with the launch of an interactive eBook, which covers the history, highlights and future of the profession. The eBook, celebrating the veterinary nursing Diamond Jubilee, starts by looking at how the first veterinary nurse training, the Animal Nursing Auxiliary (ANA) training scheme, was introduced and goes on to explore the key milestones, including the professionalisation of vet nursing with the launch of vocational training and the introduction of the vet nurse Code of Conduct.

Throughout the eBook there are video testimonials from members of the profession, including Chair of Veterinary Nurses (VN) Council, Matthew Rendle and Director of Veterinary Nursing, Julie Dugmore, interviews with student vet nurses and links to landmark publications, including the VN Futures report 2021, which reflected on the first five years of the initiative and how the profession can build on the positive changes it has implemented.

As well as this marking the 60th anniversary of the profession, 2021 has also been a year of firsts for vet nursing. It’s the first year that 20,000 vet nurses have been on the VN register, the first year that a vet nurse has been appointed as an RCVS Practice Standards Scheme (PSS) Assessor and the first year that veterinary nurses have completed the new Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Nursing (CertAVN).

To mark this milestone year, there have been numerous Diamond Jubilee activities including webinars, podcasts and celebration events, where eminent members of the profession have shared their insights and experiences from their vet nursing careers. There is a dedicated section on the RCVS website for all of the diamond jubilee activities, which will now also include the new eBook.

Chair of VN Council, Matthew Rendle, said: “Sixty years is a huge milestone for vet nursing. I’ve been in the profession for 30 years and I’ve seen amazing advancements in that time. I think this is a great opportunity to take time to reflect on all the progress that has been made and how we’re growing in numbers but also growing in knowledge and becoming more and more respected as vital members of the veterinary team.”

RCVS Director of Veterinary Nursing, Julie Dugmore, said: “I was delighted and honoured to be appointed as the first registered veterinary nurse to lead the RCVS Veterinary Nursing Team, supporting the Veterinary Nurses Council in the College’s regulatory remit. Vet nurses work tirelessly to improve and protect animal health and welfare and I’m really proud to be part of such a dedicated profession.

“The launch of the RCVS Diamond Jubilee eBook marks the end of a very special year for the profession, and it’s wonderful that vet nurses across the country will be able to read about the achievements of the profession they are part of. I would encourage as many people as possible to read the eBook and find out more about the history and achievements of vet nursing.”

To read the eBook, visit our veterinary nursing Diamond Jubilee area of the RCVS website.

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