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Campaign for festive poisoning dangers by TVM

TVM is making its free Christmas board kits, social media content and posters available to veterinary practices to reiterate to pet owners the potential poisoning hazards which are common during the festive period

Following the success of its 2020 campaign, TVM is making its free Christmas board kits, social media content and posters available to veterinary practices to reiterate to pet owners the potential poisoning hazards which are common during the festive period.

The board kit comprises cut out images of items which are commonly found in a typical Christmas shopping basket which can be toxic or dangerous to pets. Practice staff can use it to make their display as eye-catching as possible!

TVM has also created a social media toolkit packed full of posts, images and video content for practices to use on their own social media platforms and is making available a new Pet Dangers video which can be played on waiting room televisions.

For surgeries limiting the number of people entering the premises, TVM is also offering waterproof posters which can be displayed outside, and has revamped its Pet Dangers client leaflets.

Will Peel, product manager at TVM, explains: “Due to the recent boom in new pet ownership, we are aware of an increase in poisoning cases seen in vet practices this year, so we are asking practices to be prepared.

“Poisoning cases always increase significantly over the Christmas period and while many pet owners are aware of some of the items which are toxic to their pets, it’s easy to get distracted during the festive season so the materials we have put together are intended as a reminder to be diligent and keep pets safe from harm.”

To claim all the Pet Dangers campaign resources mentioned, visit the kit page on the TVM website, contact your local territory manager, email in or call 0800 0385868. You can also visit the resource page or check @TVMUK to find additional social media content to use or share.

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