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New applicator-free refill pack for Halocur

Farms trying to manage cryptosporidiosis in calves can now source a cost-effective 980ml applicator-free refill pack of Halocur

Farms trying to manage cryptosporidiosis in calves can now source a cost-effective 980ml applicator-free refill pack of Halocur (halfuginone lactate), which is licensed for the prevention and reduction of diarrhoea in calves caused by Crytosporidium parvum.

Halocur was previously only available in packs containing an applicator and license holder MSD Animal Health says the availability of the standalone refill pack product variant will help reduce wastage and save farmers money. Farmers purchasing the refill are encouraged to use the original applicator supplied with the standard pack, which should be properly cleaned and disinfected between uses.

Halocur contains 0.5mg/ml halfuginone lactate. On farms where cryptosporidiosis has been diagnosed, preventive administration to calves should start during the first 24-48 hours of life. When treating diarrhoea caused by Crytosporidium parvum, administration should start within 24 hours of the onset of diarrhoea. In both situations, a reduction in oocyst excretion has been demonstrated.

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