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Informal VetGDP drop-in discussion sessions to be held for graduates and advisers

The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has organised drop-in sessions to provide graduates and VetGDP Advisors advice about their Veterinary Graduate Development Programme (VetGDP)

The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) has organised a series of informal “drop-in” sessions about the Veterinary Graduate Development Programme (VetGDP) to provide advice and help to graduates and VetGDP Advisers respectively.

The aim for both sets of drop-in sessions is to answer any questions graduates enrolled on the programme and VetGDP Advisers may have about the programme, resolve any issues they have encountered and facilitate the sharing of best practice advice with others attending the session.

For graduates, the drop-ins could cover: information about the Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) and the support they can expect from their VetGDP Adviser; discussion of common themes and new situations they come across as they are progressing through the VetGDP; resolving questions about the VetGDP e-portfolio; and connecting with other graduates who are enrolled onto the VetGDP to share experiences and best practice.

For VetGDP Advisers, the drop-ins could cover: discussing common themes and situations they come across as they provide support to graduates; the sharing of issues they commonly encounter with others and getting their useful input and feedback; and resolving any questions they may have about the programme.

Linda Prescott-Clements, RCVS director of education, said: “The intention of these drop-in sessions is to help build connections between our graduates and our VetGDP Advisers respectively and so facilitate the sharing of best practice and advice while resolving any issues that may come up.

“No question or issue is too big or too small to discuss and, so that we can provide a forum for open and inclusive discussion, these sessions will not be recorded and will be run according to the Chatham House rule, so that you can share any information you receive during the course of the discussion but do not reveal the identity of who said it.”

The drop-in sessions for graduates are as follows:

  • Tuesday 2 November from 12:30pm to 1:30pm
  • Tuesday 16 November from 12:30pm to 1:30pm
  • Tuesday 30 November from 12:30pm to 1:30pm

The VetGDP Adviser sessions are:

  • Tuesday 26 October from 12:30pm to 1:30pm
  • Tuesday 9 November 12:30pm to 1:30pm
  • Tuesday 23 November from 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Graduates and VetGDP Advisers alike can sign up for their respective sessions via teh RCVS website, here. For questions about the event please contact our Events team and for any questions about VetGDP please email in.

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