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First two e-learning modules for new VetGDP Advisor role now available online

The VetGDP will be replacing the College’s Professional Development Phase from this summer

The RCVS has published the first two e-learning modules for
vets who want to become Veterinary Graduate Development Programme (VetGDP)
Advisers and play a vital role in helping to guide new graduates in their first
veterinary role.

The VetGDP will be
replacing the College’s Professional Development Phase from this summer, and
its aim is to support new graduates in the further development of their
clinical and professional capabilities, resilience and confidence, to establish
a fulfilling career as a veterinary professional. It will do this by providing
a meaningful and effective period of support for all veterinary graduates in
the early years of their career, resulting in them developing into an assured
and confident member of the practice team.

The VetGDP Adviser
role is that of a veterinary surgeon with a minimum of three years on the UK
practising register who can provide structured, one-to-one ongoing support for
new veterinary graduates within the workplace setting. It will be a requirement
for all practices and other workplaces wishing to employ new veterinary
graduates to be an RCVS-Approved Graduate Development Practice or Workplace.

In order to
achieve this accreditation the practice or workplace will have to have at least
one VetGDP Adviser who has completed the RCVS VetGDP e-learning within the past
five years, have signed a declaration agreeing to provide their new graduates
with regular support equating to a minimum of one hour per week, and agree to
engage positively with feedback on the programme and any quality-assurance
activity. In order to become a VetGDP Adviser, veterinary surgeons need to
successfully complete all six modules within the RCVS e-learning programme, the
first two of which have now been published. Please note, in recognition of the
ongoing impact the pandemic is having on veterinary practices, the RCVS has
extended the time VetGDP Advisers supporting new graduates this year have to
complete their training, to the end of December 2021, rather than June as
originally planned.

Module 1, “Understanding the VetGDP Programme and the VetGDP Adviser Role” gives a
general overview of the programme, its aims and intended outcomes. It also
includes further detail of the framework of Entrustable Professional Activities
for graduates’ e-portfolios, and how these are used in the VetGDP Context.
Module 2, “How to support your graduate effectively: best practice to achieve
positive outcomes”, introduces some of the latest research on how best to
provide feedback and support to graduates in the workplace, to make sure that
they are building their knowledge, skills and confidence effectively.

Each module
amounts to between two and three hours of continuing professional development
(CPD). The other four modules will be released in due course.

Dr Linda
Prescott-Clements, RCVS Director of Education, said: “Thank you to the almost
1,800 veterinary surgeons who have so far registered an interest in becoming a
VetGDP Adviser. I can’t emphasise enough how crucial this role will be in
supporting the next generation of vets to become confident, competent
professionals. The VetGDP Adviser will be someone graduates can turn to for
feedback and help and advice on their development, their goals and their
strengths and weaknesses.

“With the
publication of these first two modules, the start of the VetGDP Adviser
training process is now underway and we hope to see those who have registered
an interest taking an active part.

“The e-learning
has been developed carefully to bring the latest evidence in medical education
research to the VetGDP context. I am especially grateful to several colleagues,
who are international leaders in medical education, for their valuable time and
contributions to the development of the content, making it both engaging and
applicable to the role of our VetGDP Advisers.

“Of course, we
would always welcome feedback on the course as well, so please don’t hesitate
to get in touch with the RCVS Education Department with your comments.”

information about the VetGDP Adviser e-learning course and all aspects of the
programme can be found in the PDF guidance document.

For further advice
you can also contact the RCVS Education Department on

Veterinary Practice

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