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Elected member resigns from RCVS Council with immediate effect

Dr Stephenson was elected to RCVS Council in 2020 and resigned for personal reasons

Richard Stephenson, an elected member of the RCVS Council, has resigned as a Council member with
immediate effect.

Dr Stephenson was elected to RCVS Council in 2020, having
previously served as an elected member from 2008 to 2016, and resigned on
Thursday 3 June 2021 for personal reasons.

RCVS President Mandisa Greene said: “We thank Richard for
his service to the RCVS over the past year and in his previous terms. We
particularly thank him for his contribution to a number of committees he has
served on during both his periods on Council including the Disciplinary,
Finance and Resources and Preliminary Investigation Committees. We wish him
all the best for the future.”

Professor Stephen May has now taken up the remainder of
Richard’s term on Council, to July 2024, as he received the next largest amount
of votes in the 2020 RCVS Council election.

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