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Dogs Trust Worldwide to support Soi Dog Foundation, Thailand, in latest round of grants

Next deadline for applications is 10 May 2021

Dogs Trust Worldwide has confirmed it will continue to support Thailand-based Soi Dog Foundation this year, by funding half of the costs of their campaign to neuter 80 percent of street dogs in Greater Bangkok. This represents what is thought to be the biggest programme of its kind in the world.

Soi Dog recently neutered their half a millionth animal in the country since the charity began in Phuket in 2003. In Bangkok alone, 250,000 animals have been neutered since the programme started in 2016.

Dogs Trust Worldwide has supported Soi Dog’s work in Bangkok through its International Grants Programme since 2016 and has just approved the latest round. The funding represents 50 percent of that required for the Catch Neuter Vaccinate Return (CNVR) project, which focuses on street dogs in the Thai capital city.

Applications are now open for other charitable organisations to similarly apply for a grant from Dogs Trust Worldwide.

Karen Reed from Dogs Trust Worldwide said: “Dogs Trust Worldwide set up in 2016 so we could continue the great work of Dogs Trust UK overseas. A big part of what we do is our International Grants Programme, through which we provide a range of funding to help better support dog welfare across the world.

“Soi Dog is a fantastically-run charity doing amazing work, and we are extremely happy to continue to partner with them, as they continue their aim to neuter 80 percent of street dogs in Greater Bangkok. Our support for their work actually goes back to 2012; what they have accomplished so far is an astonishing achievement and has dramatically changed the lives of street dogs for the better in the country.”

Dogs Trust is currently supporting 41 groups whose work includes: CNVR projects for street dogs; educating children to be safe around dogs; carrying out rabies vaccination campaigns; and providing subsidised vet treatment to low-income groups, in countries including Guatemala, India, Latvia, Malawi, Mexico and Romania.

Dogs Trust Worldwide will support well-governed work taking place outside of the UK and Ireland, and well-planned projects that have the potential to make a strong impact. The charity will take applications for innovative projects that other organisations can learn from, and that contribute towards encouraging responsible dog ownership or humane management of dog populations. All projects must be sustainable and make a measurable difference.

The deadline for the submission of applications for the next round of international grants is Monday 10 May, 2021.

For more information please visit the website.

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