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Davies vet awarded profession’s highest scientific honour

Mike Herrtage of Davies Veterinary Specialists has been awarded the British Veterinary Association’s (BVA) Dalrymple-Champneys Cup and Medal

Professor Mike Herrtage, radiologist at Davies Veterinary Specialists (Davies) in Hertfordshire, has been awarded one of the veterinary profession’s highest scientific accolades for his work to support the advancement of veterinary science, which has improved the lives of thousands of dogs and cats worldwide.

The British Veterinary Association’s (BVA) Dalrymple-Champneys Cup and Medal was awarded to Professor Herrtage during BVA’s virtual awards ceremony last week for his outstanding contributions to clinical teaching and research, veterinary specialisation and dog health and welfare.

Mike Herrtage, MA, BVSc, DVSc, DVR, DVD, DSAM, FRCVS, DipECVIM, DipECVDI, joined Davies in December 2019 as a radiologist. He graduated from the Liverpool University and was emeritus professor of small animal medicine at the University of Cambridge and a life fellow of St. Edmund’s College, Cambridge. He is a former dean of the Cambridge Veterinary School, has received numerous awards for outstanding achievements and contributions to the small animal veterinary profession and has held several presidential positions within veterinary associations.

He is a Diplomate of both the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine and of the European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging and was until recently president of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. He was awarded the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation Award in 2018, for “outstanding contributions to the course of veterinary specialisation in Europe”.

Professor Herrtage said: “It is a great honour to receive this prestigious award from BVA. I am fortunate in relishing every aspect of my work and remain grateful for the support, encouragement and stimulation I have received from colleagues, students, residents, graduate students and my family. It is only with their constant support and inspiration that I have been able to reach this level of achievement in my professional life.”

Tim Richardson, managing director of Davies said: “This is a magnificent achievement. To have the recipient of one of the veterinary profession’s highest scientific awards as part of the team at Davies is an honour and we are all hugely proud of Mike.”

To find out more about Davies visit their website, here

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