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Working through uncertainty and change with RCVS Leadership webinar series

Sessions are a collaboration with the Tavistock Institute and will be led by experts in the field of organisational development and change

As a part of its Leadership initiative, the RCVS is running a series of free webinars for veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses to address the challenges of leading and working with colleagues and clients through the coronavirus pandemic.

The hour-long sessions are a collaboration with the Tavistock Institute, a not-for-profit organisation that applies social science methodologies to contemporary issues and problems, and will be led by experts in the field of organisational development and change. Each session will provide members with an opportunity to think about the wide-ranging effects the pandemic has had on our lives and our workplaces. In particular, the sessions will address themes such as the impact of being furloughed; returning to work and living one’s life in conditions of ongoing uncertainty; and working through change.

The four webinars, which will be hosted weekly, should be of interest to everyone in the veterinary team as they adapt to the changed circumstances and needs of clients, colleagues and staff. Tackling a specific theme each week, each of which builds upon the last, listeners will be provided with advice, guidance and coaching to enable them to grow their understanding and confidence so that they feel better placed to negotiate, lead, or support others, during these uncertain times.

Oliver Glackin, RCVS Leadership initiatives Manager, commented: “What was just a few weeks ago unprecedented has now become our new normal. We have entered a period of uncertainty and turbulence which will bring significant changes – if it has not already done so to our personal and professional lives. To help make sense of this at an individual, group and organisational level, I’m really pleased to have been able to join forces with the Tavistock Institute which has a long track-record of helping guide people and businesses through periods of upheaval.

“Veterinary professionals are known for their adaptability, resourcefulness and creativity and these sessions should complement this by putting the complex and all enveloping nature of our shared circumstances into context before giving practical advice and coaching so that all members of the veterinary team can help themselves and support colleagues, teams and animal owners, through these uncharted waters.”

The free lunchtime sessions will take place weekly, starting on Thursday 2 July, at 1pm. The themes covered by the webinars are described below. Whilst valuable as standalone sessions, each webinar in the series is designed as a counterpart to the others so that members can achieve a deeper and richer appreciation and understanding of the issues. The sessions will also be recorded and made available later.

  • Exploring and building resilience with Anne Benson – Thursday, 2 July
  • Working with change with Dr Leslie Brissett – Thursday, 9 July
  • The emotional impact of leading with Dr Sadie King – Thursday, 16 July
  • Working and leading through times of uncertainty in work and the world around you with Dr Dione Hills – Thursday, 23 July

To register, or to be kept up-to-date with further information on the seminars and presenters as they are posted, visit the RCVS’s website.

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