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The search for the UK’s best rabbit-friendly vets and nurses officially begins

Nominations open for the inaugural Burgess Excel Vet Awards, which celebrate the hard work of rabbit-friendly vets, veterinary nurses and practices in the UK

The search for the UK’s best rabbit-friendly vets and nurses has officially begun as nominations open for the inaugural Burgess Excel Vet Awards, which celebrate the hard work of rabbit-friendly vets, veterinary nurses and practices in the UK.

The awards, organised by Burgess Pet Care in conjunction with the Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund, will see a panel of veterinary professionals and rabbit experts crown a rabbit welfare champion from each of the following categories: UK Rabbit Vet of the Year; Rabbit Nurse of the Year and Rabbit Veterinary Practice of the Year.

Judges will be looking for exceptional knowledge of rabbit care and husbandry, as well as evidence of the winners’ continued commitment to educating the public on how to care for rabbits correctly.

Dr Suzanne Moyes MVB MRCVS, awards judge and Veterinary Director at Burgess Pet Care said:

“We’re incredibly excited to start our search for the UK’s best rabbit-friendly vets and nurses and can’t wait to start judging applications. As the UK’s third most popular pet, it’s essential that both vets and vet nurses are fully educated on all of the aspects concerning their particular welfare needs so they can provide the best possible advice to rabbit owners. These awards are our way of saying ‘Thank You’ to the vets that are helping to improve the lives of pet rabbits.”

Rae Todd, Director of the Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund said:

“Rabbits make absolutely fantastic pets but research continues to show that there are still too many rabbit owners failing to meet the correct needs of their rabbits. We’re incredibly grateful for the growing number of vets that are working hard to address this, whether that’s by utilising the available rabbit CPD, taking part in events like Rabbit Awareness Week or generally making their practices more suitable environments for rabbit-owning clients.”

Members of the public are encouraged to nominate veterinary professionals and practices that are championing rabbit welfare in the UK. Vets and vet nurses can also self-nominate and demonstrate their commitment to providing exceptional standards of healthcare to rabbits.

The eventual winners of each of the three categories will receive a cash prize of £500. Veterinary surgeons, nurses and other interested parties can enter the Burgess Excel Vet Awards now.

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