Rethink your horse’s digestive health with relyne GI. With digestive function being critical for wellbeing, condition, and performance, it is important to make sure your horse’s digestion is healthy.
Merlin Vet Export Ltd and Resolvet by Hagyards are delighted to announce the launch of relyne GI in the UK, the first of their “Resolvet by Hagyards” line of horse care products.
Relyne GI capitalises on the dual benefit of the patented hyaluronan MHB3 and the immune supporting effect of a beta-glucan.
Hyaluronan, also known as hyaluronic acid, is a natural, high-molecular weight polysaccharide found in the body. Its normal functions include: cell signalling, skin support, moisture retention, lubricating connective tissues, and absorbing shock in joints. However, in the digestive system its function is to maintain normal gastric and intestinal homeostasis and is vital in fluid exchange to and from the body.
Relyne GI is suitable for use in all horses to help support a healthy digestive system.
For more information or to purchase relyne GI, visit the website or contact Brendan Emery on +44 (0) 7407 840 574, Clare Walsh on +44 (0) 7826 815 817
For all other queries contact Merlin Vet Export on tel: +44 (0) 1896 849 641