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New BVA guidance recommends medical option as first choice for essential neutering during COVID-19

Guidance recognises that it may not be possible to delay neutering for pets in some domestic situations

Updated guidance from the BVA on neutering small animals during the COVID-19 pandemic, recommends that when neutering is considered essential within the next 2 months, medical options should be first considered.

The updated guidance, issued by the BVA on 13 April, recognises that it may not be possible to delay neutering for pets in some domestic situations.

In cases where neutering is deemed essential, Suprelorin from Virbac, enables veterinary surgeons to provide an essential service with a convenient and easy to use implant which provides the same benefits as surgical castration.

Suprelorin is a sustained release implant containing deslorelin (a GnRH super agonist) and is licensed for use in healthy, sexually mature dogs that have not been neutered to make them temporarily infertile. The implant is inserted subcutaneously, under the loose skin on the back between the lower neck and the lumbar area. Conveniently, implantation is a quick procedure and does not require anaesthesia or hospitalisation.

Suprelorin is available in two presentations, a 4.7mg implant which lasts for at least 6 months and a 9.4mg implant which lasts for at least 12 months in dogs.

“We are pleased that Suprelorin has been identified as a way in which vets can continue to provide an essential service during this period of unprecedented challenge” said Claire Lewis, Product Manager at Virbac. “Suprelorin has always offered significant benefits to practices, but never more so than at the present time” she adds.

The Virbac technical team are available to support veterinary practices with the use of Suprelorin and can be contacted on 01359 243243.

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