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2019 RCVS audits see significant improvement in CPD compliance rates

Audits of CPD for both veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses are carried out on an annual basis

The rates of compliance with the RCVS requirements on continuing professional development (CPD) have seen a significant increase for both veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses according to the results of recent audits.

The RCVS carries out an audit of CPD for both veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses on an annual basis to gauge if members of professions are undertaking the number of hours required by their respective Codes of Professional Conduct which is 35 hours per annum for vets and 15 hours per annum for vet nurses.

Last year a cohort of 1,010 veterinary surgeons responded to the CPD audit, which took place in September 2019J, and included a random sample of 658 vets sourced from across all UK postcode areas. The audit found that 820 (or 81%) of respondents met the annual requirement – a 13% increase from the 2018 audit. This followed a decline in compliance rates from 82% in 2014 to just 68% in 2018.

For veterinary nurses, a cohort of 1,077 responded to the request for their CPD records, which took place in June 2019 and which also included a random sample of 761 veterinary nurses sourced from across all UK postcode areas. The audit found that 854 (or 79 percent) respondents were compliant with the annual CPD requirement – a 7 percent increase on last year’s compliance rate and the highest compliance rate yet from a veterinary nursing CPD audit.

Speaking on the results Dr Linda Prescott-Clements, RCVS Director of Education, commented: “It is fantastic to see that this year’s results demonstrate a significant increase in CPD compliance rates after a number of years in decline for vets and a largely static rate for veterinary nurses and I hope that it is part of a long-term trend towards the professions recognising the value of keeping their clinical and non-clinical skills up-to-date.

“This year we have made a number of changes that should make CPD compliance even easier now, including a clearer and simpler annual CPD requirement of 35 hours for vets and 15 hours for vet nurses, and the 1CPD platform and app which can be signed into through the My Account area and provides the professions with the ability to record, plan and reflect on their CPD.”

Further information about the changes to the College’s CPD policy and the 1CPD platform can be found online. The 1CPD app can be downloaded through the Apple App Store, Google Play and via the RCVS website.

Veterinary Practice

Improve Veterinary Practice (part of the Improve International Group) is an online knowledge and information hub for veterinary professionals across all specialties. It provides reliable, useful and interesting content, written by expert authors and covering small animal, large animal, exotics, equine and practice management
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