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BVA welcomes Welsh Government plan to address AMR

The BVA has welcomed the collaborative, One Health principle underpinning Wales’ new five-year implementation plan to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in animals and the environment, ahead of the Welsh Government’s AMR event at the Royal Welsh Show on 24 July

The plan was launched by Lesley Griffiths, Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs last week and forms part of Wales’ contribution to the UK Five Year National Action Plan, published in January this year. It encourages the responsible use of antimicrobials through preventive measures such as animal health planning, measuring farm-level antibiotic usage data, setting antibiotic stewardship standards for both prescribing and supply, and gaining a better understanding of the role of the environment in the development and spread of AMR.

An AMR Delivery Group has been set up to oversee the delivery of the five-year plan. BVA Welsh Branch President Ifan Lloyd and council member Amelia Stevens will represent the veterinary profession in this group.

Mr Lloyd said:

“We are very pleased to see Wales adopting a proactive and collaborative One Health approach to tackle the very real and serious global threat of antimicrobial resistance.

“We welcome the plan’s emphasis on preventive measures and a commitment to championing responsible antibiotic stewardship, keeping the veterinary profession at the heart of this approach.

“Vets in government and private practice have already made huge strides in stewarding responsible antimicrobial use in Wales, and as a member of the AMR Delivery Group, I look forward to continue working with colleagues across government and industry to achieve the goals laid down in this five-year vision.”

Wales’ “Antimicrobial resistance in animals and the environment: implementation plan” can be viewed here.
BVA’s position on responsible antimicrobial use in food producing animals can be viewed here.

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