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Applications now open for the Knowledge Awards

RCVS Knowledge has launched the Knowledge Awards for Quality
Improvement, encouraging applicants to share their success stories
with the profession. The awards are designed to recognise successful
implementation of quality improvement (QI), which can reduce avoidable errors, ensure practice is based on the best available evidence
and, ultimately, save lives.

Individual winners will get free tickets to an upcoming RCVS
Knowledge event and be given a plaque pronouncing them “Knowledge Champion”, while one team will scoop Knowledge’s “Champion
Practice” award.

Winners will be able to demonstrate the impact QI methods have
had in practice. Impact could be an increase in efficiency, improved
clinical or financial effectiveness, the development of a culture of
continuous improvement, support in the use of evidence-based approaches, or a general bettering of excellence in care.

All applicants can choose to work with Knowledge to showcase
their experience of applying QI. You can opt to be featured on the
Knowledge website or blog, be peer-reviewed and published in Veterinary Evidence or present at a relevant conference. With the closing
date in November, there is plenty of time for those interested in introducing a QI initiative in practice to do so and apply at a later date.

The closing date for applications is 1 November 2018 and you
can find all the information you need at

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